- 35K SF
- 14 Private Offices
- Changing Rooms
- 2 Laundry-Ageing-Dyeing Rooms
- 2 Green Rooms (Private Bathroom with Shower, Couch, TV, Desk)
- Open Floor Space for Costume Racks,
Show Bins, etc. - 6 Private Offices
- 2 Changing Rooms
- 2 Break Rooms
- 2 Laundry-Ageing-Dyeing rooms:
- 12 Sets of Washer/Dryers
- Utility Sinks
- Air Ventilation System
- Ceiling Fans
- Roll Up Door
- 2 Green Rooms:
- Full Bathrooms with Standing Showers
- Couches and Coffee Tables
- Wall-mounted HD TV
- Conference tables and chairs
- Open Floor Space for Wardrobe, Art, other departments
- 8 Private Offices